Single Machine Deployment(Centralized)
This section servers as a guide to deploy Trueno in a single machine.
Run trueno single instance:
> trueno start
You will see a console output similar to the following:
info: Sanity check done, all components present.
info: Executing Trueno Components...
info: Spark Master successfully started!
info: Spark Worker successfully started!
info: Gremlin Server successfully started!
info: Elasticsearch successfully started!
info: All components started
info: Starting database...
info: Internal API awaiting for connections at: localhost:8001
info: ElasticSeach engine connected at: [{"port":8004,"host":"localhost"}]
info: External API awaiting for connections at: localhost:8000
info: Cluster status collected. _id=localhost, arch=64, model=Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5257U CPU @ 2.70GHz, speed=2700, user=181792530, nice=0, sys=116932760, idle=744926600, irq=0, cores=4, network=null, freemem=147283968, hostname=localhost, platform=Node.js, totalmem=8589934592, uptime=9068212, osversion=15.6.0, version=6.0.0, os=OS X, $ref=$["_instance"]
info: PM2-UI Monitor: [INFO] Starting..
This will start Trueno as a single instance. Trueno connects by default to the address http://localhost:8000 If Trueno must be accessed from outside your computer, you can use the -h flag to bind to a public address, for instance '' (all interfaces).
If you want to run Trueno as a background process, the forever flag can be used.
> trueno start --forever
To stop Trueno, simply execute:
> trueno stop
Trueno and all subcomponents will be stopped.
The following is a complete example of starting Trueno in a single machine with all available flags and their explanation:
> trueno start \
-h 'my_custom_host'
-p 9999
--dir /path/to/my/data/dir
- h: Provide the hostname to bind, in this example, locahost will be used.
- p: The external port for external driver connections, in this example 9999.
- dir: The data directory. All data will be stored in this directory.
- debug: Print all output, including errors to console for all components.