It is fast and easy to get started with Trueno. Here's what you'll need:
- Java 8 or later
- Node.js 6 with npm or later (we recommend to use nvm)
- tar and unzip
After all dependencies are installed, you can get Trueno from NPM.
> npm install -g trueno
This will intall Trueno globally in your system. Verify by executing the help command:
> trueno --hep
Download and install internal components:
> trueno setup
This command will take a while to complete depending on your internet connection speed and procesing power. The following components will be installed:
- Gremlin Server: For the Gremlin Graph Traversal languaje.
- Elastic Search: For persistent, distributed backend storagem and indexing the graph data.
- Apache Spark: For graph algorithm computation using GraphX.
Trueno Compute Server: For graph analytics over Apache Spark and Graphx.
Trueno will also download and install several Elastic Search plugins to facilitate the graph, vertices, and edges retrieval in a eficient way.
After the setup is complete, you can start using Trueno.